Another Step Forward…

At 3:05 pm CT, I received the email that I’ve been waiting all day for: my editor has completed the line editing for The Motherhood Mandate, and we are ready to initiate Phase Two: Operation Rip ‘n Rebuild.

Or I thought we were. That manuscript is over 92k words long. The Fatherhood Mandate feels skimpy in comparison. I mean, it’s the same story, just told from Rylee’s viewpoint. From here, it just looks like a data dump!

For scenes to cut: I honestly believe you've got a solid manuscript here. The growth in this story compared to when you first came to me with Sam's story is huge. I don't believe the story dragged on, or I questioned why a scene was there. I truly think it could be published as it is now.”

However, Chelsea did identify scenes that could stand to be trimmed a bit, so I’m going to take a few days to page through the manuscript and digest her recommendations. Maybe I can shave a few more thousand words out. I’m not sure.

Beta readers, gimme a few days and I’ll send out the calendar of events for you to review. Time to grab a fresh cup of coffee, print this thing, and get to work!


I thought I was almost done…


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